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The science behind the learning

Designed for Cognitive learning

This Gaeilge course is designed to engage with new learning and refresh old learning and also to facilitate the goal of long term memory penetration

How do we do this?

When new learning is relevant, meaningful and enjoyable it penetrates the long term memory

And so...

We focus on four main points of interest

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  1. Active learning aided by colourful and friendly graphics making it enjoyable. Having fun and spending time with family and friends                                                                                                                        

  2. Relevant to the world we live in connecting images with culture and getting to know our culture and the cultures of other countries.                                                                                      

  3. Creative exercises and crafts motivate new learning, combined with the usage of everyday objects, colours and counting, kids can have a easy contact point of entry to the course and it becomes meaningful                                                                                                                                 



  1. Cognitive Learning is a type of learning that is active, constructive, and long-lasting. It engages students in the learning processes, teaching them to use their brains more effectively to make connections when learning new things                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

  2. ​Not just for kids we have 3 levels of Gaeilge with this course to get parents, Aunts, Uncles and Granparents on board too! you can get creative with the game, have a look at our Teanga Mhilis page.                                                               



Many of us are scattered across the Globe, some of us with children who aren't taught the Irish language at school. We ourselves have been taught Gaeilge but unfortunately haven't ever really used it. This is our chance to refresh our Gaeilge and to teach our children, friends and family a cupla focal.


Mancahán Magan wrote a book called

"Thirty-two Words For Field"

Why on earth would there be 32 words for field in and language?

Digging deep into our past, land has always been precious to us, even sacred. This is reflected in Irish.

Langauge is tied to our ancestors, our culture and our traditions. Throwing  a few words into our daily lives, helps us to re-connect with home, and to realise what we have inside of us.

The aim of the project is to not be intimidated,

not to feel the need to speak fluently, or without mistakes, just to feel free to speak a few words.

Click on the frog to read about when where and why this Project was started

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